toolboxcmake.txt                 CMake Tool                      Feb 05 2016

CMake Tool                                                     toolbox-cmake

                            Plug-in version 0.9.2
                        for Vim version 7.0 and above
                 Wolfgang Mehner <wolfgang-mehner at>

The CMake tool offers an integration of CMake's makefile generator. It also
helps with calling the make tool in the build location, independently of the
current working directory. It comes with command-line completion for make
targets. CMake's help can be quickly accessed within Vim.

0.  TABLE OF CONTENTS                                 toolbox-cmake-contents

 1.    Introduction                               |toolbox-cmake-intro|
 2.    Commands                                   |toolbox-cmake-commands|
 2.1    API                                       |toolbox-cmake-api|
 3.    Configuration                              |toolbox-cmake-config|
 4.    Troubleshooting - Known Issues             |toolbox-cmake-issues|

 A.    Change Log                                 |toolbox-cmake-change-log|

1.  INTRODUCTION                                         toolbox-cmake-intro

After configuring the project's top-level directory with |:CMakeProjectDir|
and setting the build location using |:CMakeBuildLocation|, CMake can be run
by calling the ex-command |:CMake|! (with a bang). Command line arguments can
be given directly, for example:
  :CMake! -DDO_TESTS=1
After that, :CMake (without a bang) can be used to execute the make tool in
the build location:
  :CMake -j3
Errors will be listed in the quick-fix buffer. You can view the cached
variables using |:CMakeCache|.

The :CMake command has command-line completion for the targets of the makefile
in the build location.

The configured directories and other important information immediately
influencing the behavior at runtime can be displayed via |:CMakeRuntime|,
which provides a short overview of the current state of the tool.

Help for CMake's commands can be accessed using |:CMakeHelpCommand|:
  :CMakeHelpCommand add_library
This will open a new buffer containing the help. Calling the command without
parameters will open a buffer showing a list of all commands:
Similar ex-commands exist for modules, policies, properties and variables, see

  Command                       Short Description
  |:CMake|! [<args>]              run CMake with the given arguments
  |:CMake| [<args>]               run make with the given arguments

  |:CMakeCache| [<arg>]           show the cached variables

  |:CMakeCurses| [<args>]         run ccmake with the given arguments
  |:CMakeGui| [<args>]            run cmake-gui with the given arguments

  |:CMakeProjectDir| [<dir>]      set the project directory
  |:CMakeBuildLocation| [<dir>]   set the build location

  |:CMakeHelpCommand| [<topic>]   help for commands
  |:CMakeHelpModule| [<topic>]    help for modules
  |:CMakeHelpPolicy| [<topic>]    help for policies
  |:CMakeHelpProperty| [<topic>]  help for properties
  |:CMakeHelpVariable| [<topic>]  help for variables

  |:CMakeRuntime|                 shows the runtime information
  |:CMakeSettings|                shows the plug-in settings
  |:CMakeHelp|                    help for the CMake tool

Detailed explanations are given in the next section |toolbox-cmake-commands|.

2.  COMMANDS                                          toolbox-cmake-commands

This chapter provides detailed explanations of all the commands.

  :CMake! [<args>] 

Runs cmake with the given arguments. If no arguments are given, calls cmake
with the directory set by |:CMakeProjectDir|.

If the tool is not working properly, prints the reason.

  :CMake [<args>] 

Runs make with the given arguments. Beforehand, the working directory is set
to the directory configured with |:CMakeBuildLocation|.

The command has command-line completion for the targets of the makefile in the
build location. All targets named ".../fast" can be hidden by setting

  :CMakeCache [<arg>] 

Open a buffer which lists the cached variables of the current build (see
|:CMakeBuildLocation|). The optional argument can be used to include advanced
variables and/or help for each variable.

The argument 'arg' can be one of the following (use tab-completion):

  -L    - list non-advanced cached variables (default)
  -LA   - ... include advanced variables
  -LH   - include the help for each variable
  -LAH  - ... include advanced variables

In the cache buffer, several maps are defined.

  Map           Meaning
  q             close the buffer

                                                      :CMakeCurses :CMakeGui
  :CMakeCurses [<args>] 
  :CMakeGui [<args>] 

Runs ccmake (in xterm) or cmake-gui with arguments as follows, using the first
rule which applies:
- if there are arguments given on the Vim command line, pass those
- if the build location (|:CMakeBuildLocation|) is a valid directory, pass it
  as the only argument
- if the project base directory (|:CMakeProjectDir|) is a valid directory,
  pass it as the only argument

For ccmake you need a working xterm (see |toolbox-cmake-xterm|).

                                        :CMakeProjectDir :CMakeBuildLocation
  :CMakeProjectDir [<dir>] 
  :CMakeBuildLocation [<dir>] 

Sets the project directory or build location.


Echoes the current project directory or build location.

                                        :CMakeHelpCommand :CMakeHelpModule
                                        :CMakeHelpPolicy  :CMakeHelpProperty
  :CMakeHelpCommand [<topic>] 
  :CMakeHelpModule [<topic>] 
  :CMakeHelpPolicy [<topic>] 
  :CMakeHelpProperty [<topic>] 
  :CMakeHelpVariable [<topic>] 

Open a buffer containing the help for the topic in each category. If no topic
is given, shows a list of all commands, modules, variables, ...

In each of the help buffers, several maps are defined.

  Map           Meaning
  doubleclick   jump to the topic under the cursor/back to the list
  CTRL-]        jump to the topic under the cursor/back to the list
  <Enter>       jump to the topic under the cursor/back to the list
  q             close the buffer


Opens the help for the CMake tool.


Shows important runtime information:
- the quickfix jump setting (|g:CMake_JumpToError|)
- the "fast" make target filter (|g:CMake_FilterFastTargets|)
- the configured directories (project and build)


Shows the plug-in settings. The second version is verbose.

2.1  API                                                   toolbox-cmake-api

The various directories can be set via an API. This allows for setting up the
configuration via a script.

The project and build directory can be set using:

  mmtoolbox#cmake#Property ( mode, key [, value] ) 

  mode  - "echo", "get" or "set" (string)
  key   - the name of one of the properties (string)
  value - the new value of the property,
          only with mode "set" (string, optional)
  value - the current value of the property,
          only with mode "get" (various)

The property is one of the following:
  "enabled"     - non-zero if the tool is enabled (integer, no "set")
  "project-dir" - the project's top-level directory (string)
  "build-dir"   - the build location (string)

To set the directories for a project, use:
  call mmtoolbox#cmake#Property ( "set",
      \ "project-dir", "$HOME/Projects/MyProject" )
  call mmtoolbox#cmake#Property ( "set",
      \ "build-dir", "$HOME/Projects/MyProject/build" )

3.  CONFIGURATION                                       toolbox-cmake-config

The tool is configured via a number of global variables, which can be set in
the .vimrc file.

  Variable                  Default       Description and further information
  |g:CMake_BinPath|           ''            the path to the CMake binaries (^1)
  |g:CMake_Executable|        'cmake'       the CMake executable
  |g:CMake_MakeTool|          'make'        the make executable
  |g:CMake_CCMakeExec|        'ccmake'      the ccmake executable (^2)
  |g:CMake_GuiExec|           'cmake-gui'   the cmake-gui executable

  |g:CMake_JumpToError|       'cmake'       whether to jump to the first error
  |g:CMake_FilterFastTargets| 'no'          whether to filter the ".../fast"
                                            targets when tab-completing make

  g:Xterm_Executable        'xterm'       the xterm executable (^3)
  g:Xterm_Options           '...'         the xterm default settings (^3)

  The Unix defaults are as follows:
  |g:CMake_BinPath|           - -empty-
  |g:CMake_Executable|        - g:CMake_BinPath + cmake
  |g:CMake_CCMakeExec|        - g:CMake_BinPath + ccmake
  |g:CMake_GuiExec|           - g:CMake_BinPath + cmake-gui
  the Windows defaults are as follows:
  |g:CMake_BinPath|           - -empty-
  |g:CMake_Executable|        - g:CMake_BinPath + cmake.exe
  |g:CMake_GuiExec|           - g:CMake_BinPath + cmake-gui.exe
(^2) UNIX only
(^3) UNIX only, see |toolbox-cmake-xterm|

The path to the executables is set by g:CMake_BinPath:
  let g:CMake_BinPath = '/usr/local/bin/'
Since cmake and cmake-gui will be on the path, this will not be necessary on
most UNIX systems.

For Windows, set up the binary path similar to this:
  let g:CMake_BinPath = 'C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\'

The defaults for |g:CMake_Executable|, |g:CMake_CCMakeExec| and
|g:CMake_GuiExec| are derived from g:CMake_BinPath. However, the setting
g:CMake_BinPath is only used to derive the defaults. If one of the executables
is set explicitly, it has to be set with the whole path.

The executable is set by g:CMake_Executable:
  let g:CMake_Executable = 'cmake'

The make executable is set by g:CMake_MakeTool:
  let g:CMake_MakeTool = 'make'

The make executable is set by g:CMake_CCMakeExec:
  let g:CMake_CCMakeExec = 'ccmake'

The cmake-gui executable is set by g:CMake_GuiExec:
  let g:CMake_GuiExec = 'cmake-gui'

After running cmake or make, quickfix will automatically jump to the location
of the first error, depending on the setting g:CMake_JumpToError. With
  let g:CMake_JumpToError = 'both'
quickfix will jump to the first error for both make and cmake. To only jump to
the first error automatically after running cmake, use
  let g:CMake_JumpToError = 'cmake'

The possible settings are listed below:

  Value           Jump automatically after ...
  'both'          cmake and make
  'cmake'         cmake (default)
  'make'          make
  'none'          none of the above

The behavior can be changed on the fly by settings the variable to a different
value on the command line.

The command-line completion for the |:CMake| command shows the targets in the
makefile in the directories set via |:CMakeBuildLocation|. The list of
possible targets can get quite cluttered if all targets named ".../fast" are
included. They can be filtered out by setting:
  let g:CMake_FilterFastTargets = 'yes'

The possible settings are listed below:

  Value           Effect
  'yes'           filter out targets named ".../fast"
  'no'            show all targets (default)

The behavior can be changed on the fly by settings the variable to a different
value on the command line.

The xterm related functionality is only available under UNIX. It is used to
run interactive commands.

The xterm executable is set by g:Xterm_Executable, for example:
  let g:Xterm_Executable = '/usr/local/bin/xterm'

Set additional options for xterm. The default is:
  let g:Xterm_Options = '-fa courier -fs 12 -geometry 80x24'

For example, use these arguments for black letters on a white background:
  let g:Xterm_Options = '-fg black -bg white -fs 12 -geometry 80x24'

See the man-page of xterm for the possible options.

The behavior can be changed on the fly by settings the variable to a different
value on the command line.

4.  TROUBLESHOOTING - KNOWN ISSUES                      toolbox-cmake-issues

* cmake, ccmake, or cmake-gui are not running.
  - Are they executable from the command line?
  - Is the $PATH variable set correctly?
  - Are the settings correct? See:
      :help |toolbox-cmake-config|
  - Under Windows, make sure the options 'shell', 'shellcmdflag',
    'shellquote', and 'shellxquote' are set correctly. If "cmd.exe" is used as
    the 'shell', 'shellxquote' must be set to a double quote:
      :set shellxquote=\"

* Some of the errors are not recognized by the quickfix mechanism.
  - Unfortunately, CMake's automatically generated Makefiles seem to output
    some errors which can not be recognized by Vim's standard error format
    for C. If you come across any such errors, please send use an example and
    we will try to extend the error format.

A.  CHANGE LOG                                      toolbox-cmake-change-log


- Add: Command-line completion for Make targets and configuration
- Add: Command |:CMakeCache|.
- Add: Command |:CMakeCurses| and configuration |g:CMake_CCMakeExec|. (UNIX only)
- Add: Command |:CMakeGui| and configuration |g:CMake_GuiExec|.
- Add: Command |:CMakeRuntime|.
- Add: Configuration |g:CMake_BinPath|.
- Change: Enable the cmake help under Windows.
- Change: Echo a different message if the build succeeded, but warnings are
- Internal changes, less global functions.
- Further internal changes.
- Minor changes and bugfixes.


- Change: The commands :CMake and :CMake! only jump to the first error
  automatically if the setting |g:CMake_JumpToError| is set accordingly.
- Change: Improved jumping in help buffers.
- Minor changes.


- Initial upload.


Generated by vim2html (modified) on So 14. Aug 17:16:25 CEST 2016