toolboxmake.txt                  Make Tool                      July 23 2015

Make Tool                                                       toolbox-make

                             Plug-in version 1.1
                        for Vim version 7.0 and above
                 Wolfgang Mehner <wolfgang-mehner at>

The Make tool offers minimal make functionality, such as running make with the
makefile located in a different directory. The make command is run by using
the :Make command, which has command-line completion for make targets.

0.  TABLE OF CONTENTS                                  toolbox-make-contents

 1.    Introduction                               |toolbox-make-intro|
 2.    Commands                                   |toolbox-make-commands|
 2.1    API                                       |toolbox-make-api|
 3.    Configuration                              |toolbox-make-config|

 A.    Change Log                                 |toolbox-make-change-log|

1.  INTRODUCTION                                          toolbox-make-intro

Make is run using the ex-command |:Make|. Command line arguments can either be
given directly,
  :Make -j3
  :Make clean
or specified by using |:MakeCmdlineArgs|. Arguments given to :MakeCmdlineArgs
are passed on to make every time :Make is called without arguments. This
feature can be used to "memorize" complicated argument lists which have to be
passed to make repeatedly. Even if an argument list has been memorized, :Make
can always be called with other arguments to disregard the memorized list. A
call to :MakeCmdlineArgs without arguments clears the memorized argument list.

By default, :Make runs in the current working directory and therefore uses the
local makefile. The command |:MakeFile| sets a specific makefile, which is
used every time, even when :Make is call in a different directory. This makes
it possible to use the tool for larger projects, which are organized in
multiple directories. The specified file is used until another is chosen or
the default behavior is restored by calling :MakeFile without arguments.

Whether or not the makefile is set by :MakeFile, the :Make command has
command-line completion for the targets.

  Command                       Short Description
  |:Make| [<args>]                run make with the given arguments

  |:MakeCmdlineArgs| [<args>]     memorize cmd. line arguments for make
  |:MakeCmdlineArgs|!             echo memorized cmd. line arguments
  |:MakeFile| [<file>]            choose a makefile
  |:MakeFile|!                    echo the current makefile

  |:MakeHelp|                     help for the Make tool
  |:MakeSettings|                 shows the plug-in settings

Detailed explanations are given in the next section |toolbox-make-commands|.

2.  COMMANDS                                           toolbox-make-commands

This chapter provides detailed explanations of all the commands.

  :Make [<args>] 

Runs make with the given arguments.  If no arguments are given, uses the ones
specified with |:MakeCmdlineArgs|, which can be an empty argument list as well.

Uses the local makefile, unless a makefile has been chosen using |:MakeFile|.
The command has command-line completion for the targets of that makefile.

If the tool is not working properly, prints the reason.

  :MakeCmdlineArgs [<args>] 

Sets command line arguments for :Make. If make is called without arguments,
these "memorized" arguments are used. The command can be called without
arguments to delete the memorized argument list.


Echoes the currently memorized arguments on the command line.

  :MakeFile [<file>] 

Sets the makefile. If a specific file has been selected, it is always used,
independent of the current working directory. If the makefile has not been
chosen, or reset by calling :MakeFile without arguments, the makefile in the
current working directory is used.


Echoes the current makefile on the command line.


Opens the help for the Make tool.


Shows the plug-in settings. The second version is verbose.

2.1  API                                                    toolbox-make-api

The Makefile and command-line arguments can be set via an API. This allows for
setting up the configuration via a script.

The Makefile and command-line arguments can be set using:

  mmtoolbox#make#Property ( mode, key [, value] ) 

  mode  - "echo", "get" or "set" (string)
  key   - the name of one of the properties (string)
  value - the new value of the property,
          only with mode "set" (string, optional)
  value - the current value of the property,
          only with mode "get" (various)

The property is one of the following:
  "enabled"      - non-zero if the tool is enabled (integer, no "set")
  "cmdline-args" - the memorized command-line arguments (string)
  "makefile"     - the name and location of the makefile (string)

To set the makefile for a project, use:
  call mmtoolbox#make#Property ( "set",
      \ "makefile", "$HOME/Projects/MyProject" )

To always run three jobs in parallel:
  call mmtoolbox#make#Property ( "set", "cmdline-args", "-j3" )

3.  CONFIGURATION                                        toolbox-make-config

The tool is configured via a number of global variables, which can be set in
the .vimrc file.

  Variable                  Default       Description and further information
  |g:Make_Executable|         'make'        the make executable

The executable is set by g:Make_Executable:
  let g:Make_Executable = 'make'

A.  CHANGE LOG                                       toolbox-make-change-log


- Add: Command-line completion for Make targets.
- Minor changes.


- Internal changes, less global functions.
- Minor changes.


- Minor changes.


- Added: Command :MakeSettings to show the configuration.
- Minor changes.


- Initial upload.


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