latexsupport.txt              LaTeX Support                      Aug 21 2016

LaTeX Support                                     latex-support latexsupport

                             Plug-in version 1.2
                        for Vim version 7.0 and above
                   Wolfgang Mehner <>
                      Fritz Mehner <>

LaTeX-IDE for Vim/gVim. It is written to considerably speed up typesetting a
document in a consistent style. This is done by inserting complete statements,
idioms, code snippets, and comments. Compiling and viewing a document, format
conversion and running make can be done with a few keystrokes.

1.     Usage With GUI  (gVim)                 |latexsupport-usage-gvim|
1.1    Menu 'Comments'                        |latexsupport-comments|
1.1.1  Append Aligned Comments To Lines       |latexsupport-aligned-comm|
1.1.2  Adjust End-Of-Line Comments            |latexsupport-comm-realign|
1.1.3  Toggle Comments                        |latexsupport-comm-toggle|
1.1.4  Frame Comments, File Header, ...       |latexsupport-comm-templates|
1.2    Menu 'Text'                            |latexsupport-text|
1.2.1  Normal Mode, Insert Mode               |latexsupport-stat-norm-ins|
1.2.2  Visual Mode                            |latexsupport-stat-visual|
1.3    Menu 'Math'                            |latexsupport-math|
1.4    Menu 'Document'                        |latexsupport-documents|
1.5    Menu 'BibTeX'                          |latexsupport-bibtex|
1.6    Menu 'Snippets'                        |latexsupport-snippets|
1.6.1  Code Snippets                          |latexsupport-snippets-menu|
1.6.2  Code Templates                         |latexsupport-templates-menu|
1.7    Menu 'Wizard'                          |latexsupport-wizard|
1.8    Menu 'Run'                             |latexsupport-run|
1.8.1  Running A Typesetter                   |latexsupport-run-typesetter|
1.9    Menu 'Tool Box'                        |latexsupport-toolbox|
1.9.1  Make                                   |latexsupport-toolbox-make|
1.10   Menu 'Help'                            |latexsupport-help|

2.     Usage Without GUI  (Vim)               |latexsupport-mappings|

3.     Function Keys                          |latexsupport-function-keys|

4.     Customization                          |latexsupport-customization|
4.1    Files                                  |latexsupport-custom-files|
4.2    Global Variables                       |latexsupport-custom-variables|
4.3    The Root Menu                          |latexsupport-custom-root|
4.4    System-wide installation               |latexsupport-system-wide|

5.     Template Files and Tags                |latexsupport-templates|
5.1    Template Files                         |latexsupport-templates-files|
5.2    Macros                                 |latexsupport-templates-macros|
5.2.1  Formating Date and Time                |latexsupport-templates-date|
5.3    Templates                              |latexsupport-templates-names|
5.3.1  Template definition                    |latexsupport-templates-definition|
5.3.2  The jump tags <+text+> etc.            |latexsupport-templates-jumptags|
5.3.3  Command Ctrl-j                         |latexsupport-Ctrl-j|

6.     LaTeX Dictionary                       |latexsupport-dictionary|

7.     Troubleshooting                        |latexsupport-troubleshooting|
8.     Release Notes                          |latexsupport-release-notes|

1.  USAGE WITH GUI  (gVim)                           latexsupport-usage-gvim

The root menu is not visible by default. The root menu 'LaTeX' will appear
when the first file with filetype 'tex' is opened.

If the root menu 'LaTeX' is not visible you also can load it with the item
"Load LaTeX Support" from the standard Tools-menu. The item "Unload LaTeX
Support" can be used to unload the LaTeX root menu.
(Compare |latexsupport-custom-root|.)

Nearly all menu items insert code snippets or comments. All of these are
contained within template files and can be changed by the user to meet their
requirements. (See |latexsupport-templates|.)

1.1 MENU 'Comments'                                    latexsupport-comments

1.1.1 APPEND ALIGNED COMMENTS TO LINES             latexsupport-aligned-comm

In NORMAL MODE the menu item 'end-of-line comments' will append a comment to
the current line.

In VISUAL MODE this item will append aligned comments to all marked lines.
Marking the 3 lines

 \large{\textbf{Ex Commands}}\\[1.0ex]

and choosing 'end-of-line comments' will yield

 \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][30mm][l]{73mm}        % |
 \begin{flushleft}                               %
 \large{\textbf{Ex Commands}}\\[1.0ex]           %

The cursor position above is marked by '|'. Empty lines will be ignored.

The default starting column is 49 ( = (multiple of 2,4, or 8) + 1 ).  This can
be changed by setting a global variable in the file .vimrc , e.g. :

  let g:Latex_LineEndCommColDefault    = 65

The starting column can also be set by the menu item 'Comments->adjust
end-of-line com.' . Just position the cursor in an arbitrary column (normal
mode; the column number is shown in the Vim status line) and choose this menu
item.  This setting is buffer related.
If the cursor was at the end of a line you will be asked for a column number
because this position is most likely not the desired starting column.
Your choice will be confirmed.

1.1.2  ADJUST END-OF-LINE COMMENTS                 latexsupport-comm-realign

After some copy/paste/change actions comments may be misaligned:

 \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][30mm][l]{73mm}        % comment 1
 \begin{flushleft}                              % comment 2
 \large{\textbf{Ex Commands}}\\[1.0ex]              % comment 3

Realignment can be achieved with the menu item 'adjust end-of-line com.' In
normal mode the comment (if any) in the current line will be aligned to the
end-of-line comment column (see above) if possible. In visual mode the
comments in the marked block will be aligned:

 \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t][30mm][l]{73mm}        % comment 1
 \begin{flushleft}                               % comment 2
 \large{\textbf{Ex Commands}}\\[1.0ex]           % comment 3

1.1.3  TOGGLE COMMENTS                              latexsupport-comm-toggle

The comment sign % can be set or removed at the beginning of the current line
or for a marked block.  A single line needs not to be marked.

For marked block containing only lines with a '%' in the first column (and
possibly empty lines) all lines will be uncommented.

A marked block containing one or more nonempty lines without a '%' in the
first column will be changed into a comment block.

Whitespaces in front of the hash sign will be preserved.

1.1.4 FRAME COMMENTS, FILE HEADER, ...           latexsupport-comm-templates

Frame comments and a file prolog are read as templates from the appropriate
files (see |latexsupport-templates|).

1.2 MENU 'Text'                                            latexsupport-text

This is the section containing frequently used text-related statements.

1.2.1  NORMAL MODE, INSERT MODE.                  latexsupport-stat-norm-ins

An empty statement will be inserted, e.g.


1.2.2  VISUAL MODE.                                 latexsupport-stat-visual

The highlighted area


can be surrounded by many statements, e.g.


1.3 MENU 'Math'                                            latexsupport-math

This is the section containing frequently used math-related statements.  The
submenus can also be uses via hotkeys. The hotkey ´msp for instance will start
an ex-command.  Use tab-expansion to display the choices and the arrow keys to
select an item:

 large \;  medium \:  qquad  quad  small \,
 choose : large \\;

Some statements have a visual mode. If 'Length' is selected the hotkey ´mnr
will surround it with the sqrt-statement in order to obtain the n-th root:

 ... \sqrt[|]{Length} ...

1.4 MENU 'Document'                                   latexsupport-documents

This is the section containing frequently used document-related statements.

1.5 MENU 'BibTeX'                                        latexsupport-bibtex

This is the section containing frequently used BibTeX-related statements.
Complete BibTeX-entries will be inserted from the corresponding template, e.g.

   author        = {},
   title         = {},
   journal       = {},
   year          = ,
   volume        = {},
   number        = {},
   pages         = {},
   month         = {},
   note          = {},

1.6 MENU 'Snippets'                                    latexsupport-snippets

1.6.1  Code Snippets                              latexsupport-snippets-menu

Code snippets are pieces of code which are kept in separate files in a special
directory. File names are used to identify the snippets.  The default snippet
is directory is $HOME/.vim/latex-support/codesnippets.  Snippets are managed
with the 4 items

   LaTeX -> Snippets -> read  code snippet
   LaTeX -> Snippets -> write code snippet
   LaTeX -> Snippets -> view code snippet
   LaTeX -> Snippets -> edit  code snippet

from the Snippets submenu.

Creating a new snippet:

When nothing is marked, "write code snippet" will write the whole buffer
to a snippet file. Otherwise the marked area will be written to a file.

Insert a snippet:

Select the appropriate file from the snippet directory ("read code snippet").
The inserted lines will be indented.

Indentation / no indentation

Code snippets are normally indented after insertion. To suppress indentation
add the file extension "ni" or "noindent" to the snippet file name, e.g.


There may be a few snippets belonging to this plug-in package. These are
examples.  Add your own.

Snippet browser

Under a GUI a file requester will be put up. Without GUI the filename will be
read from the command line. You can change this behavior by setting a global
variable in your ~/.vimrc :

 let g:Latex_GuiSnippetBrowser = 'commandline'

The default value is 'gui'.

1.6.2  Code Templates                            latexsupport-templates-menu

Nearly all menu items will insert code snippets or comments. All of these are
contained within template files and can be changed by the users to meet their
requirements (see|latexsupport-templates|on how to use the template system).

The menu items 'edit ... templates' open various template files. The stock
templates are usually located in the "local" template file:
The template files named "custom" and "personal" can be used for
customization, which avoids editing the stock templates.
There may be dependent files loaded from the main files. Change whatever file
you want, save it, and click on the menu item 'reread templates' to read in
the file(s) and to rebuild the internal representation of the templates.

Template browser

When editing a template file, it is selected via |:Explore|. You can change
this behavior by setting a global variable in your ~/.vimrc (see

  let g:Templates_TemplateBrowser = 'browse'

Template Style

The template system supports different template styles. If there are more than
one style the menu item 'choose style' let you choose a style on the fly.

Template Jump Tags

You can use different jump tags in a template, e.g. {-tagname-}. The allowed
tags can be chosen from this menu.(see|latexsupport-templates-jumptags|)

1.7 MENU 'Wizard'                                        latexsupport-wizard

This is the section containing less frequently statements which have usually
several lines, e.g. insertion of listings, tables, or figures.
The menu item 'ligatures' lets you find double and triple ligatures and split
them if appropriate.

1.8 MENU 'Run'                                              latexsupport-run

The menu 'Run' let you run the predefined typesetter, call a viewer, run
makeindex, run bibtex, and run a converter.

1.8.1  RUNNING A TYPESETTER                      latexsupport-run-typesetter

The default typesetter is 'pdflatex'. This can be changed by assigning one of
the values 'tex', 'latex', and 'pfttex' to the variable g:Latex_Typesetter in
your  .vimrc file:

 let g:Latex_Typesetter = 'latex'

The predefined call of the typesetters are

 latex    -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode
 tex      -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode
 pdflatex -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode
 pdftex   -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode

This can be changed in the .vimrc file using one of the variables

 let g:Latex_Latex       = 'latex    ... '
 let g:Latex_Tex         = 'tex      ... '
 let g:Latex_Pdflatex    = 'pdflatex ... '
 let g:Latex_Pdftex      = 'pdftex   ... '

The errors a typesetter run will produce will be shown in a quickfix buffer.
For convenience consider to use maps like

  noremap  <silent> <F5>    :copen<CR>
  noremap  <silent> <F6>    :cclose<CR>
  noremap  <silent> <F7>    :cp<CR>
  noremap  <silent> <F8>    :cn<CR>

in your .vimrc file to jump to the error locations (F7,F8) and to open and
close the error window (F5,F6). This makes navigation a lot easier (see also
file 'customization.vimrc', |latexsupport-custom-files|).  The error list and
the error locations in your source buffer will be synchronized.

1.9 MENU 'Tool Box'                                     latexsupport-toolbox

Tools which can be used by several plugins are located in the Tool Box.
Examples are tools for make(1) or doxygen.  The Tool Box has its own
To switch the Tool Box off add the following line to the file .vimrc

  let g:Latex_UseToolbox     = 'no'

1.9.1 Make                                         latexsupport-toolbox-make

The tool box for make provides a small set hotkeys, menu items, and ex
commands for controlling make. Please see|toolbox-make|.
To switch the make tool box off add the following line to the file .vimrc

  let g:Latex_UseTool_make  = 'no'

The hotkeys for the make tool are defined in the file ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim .

1.10 MENU 'Help'                                           latexsupport-help

This submenu offers convenient access to various documentations.

The entry 'texdoc' starts texdoc for the word (package, command) under the
cursor. If there is no word under the cursor, you will be prompted for the
name of a package.

The entry 'English' opens an online dictionary for the word under the cursor.

The browser for opening the online documentation, or the English dictionary,
can be configured by setting a global variable in your ~/.vimrc (see
|g:Templates_InternetBrowserExec| and |g:Templates_InternetBrowserFlags|):

  let g:Templates_InternetBrowserExec = 'firefox'

2.  USAGE WITHOUT GUI  (Vim)                           latexsupport-mappings

The frequently used constructs can be inserted with key mappings.  These
mappings are also described in the document latex-hotkeys.pdf (reference

All mappings  are filetype specific: they are only defined for buffers with
filetype 'tex' to minimize conflicts with mappings from other plug-ins.

Some mappings can be used with range (of lines). In normal mode


appends a end-of-line comment to the current line,  whereas


appends end-of-line comments to the 4 lines starting with the current line.

Legend:  (i) insert mode, (n) normal mode, (v) visual mode
         [n] range

     ´he        open an English dictionary for  (ni)
                the word under the cursor
     ´ht        start texdoc                    (ni)
     ´hp        displays plugin help            (ni)
  [n]´cl        end-of-line comment             (niv)
  [n]´cj        adjust end-of-line comments     (niv)
     ´cs        set end-of-line comment col.    (n)
  [n]´cc        toggle comment                  (niv)
     ´cfr1      frame comment, type 1           (ni)
     ´cfr2      frame comment, type 2           (ni)
     ´cfr3      frame comment, type 3           (ni)
     ´ch        file prolog                     (ni)
     ´cm        plug-in macros                  (ni)
     ´cd        date                            (ni)
     ´ct        date & time                     (ni)
     ´dc        document class                  (ni)
     ´di        indices                         (ni)
     ´dti       title                           (ni)
     ´dbi       bibliography                    (ni)
     ´dac       addcontentsline                 (ni)
     ´e         environment                     (niv)
     ´ts        section                         (ni)
     ´to        organization                    (ni)
     ´tld       list environment, description   (ni)
     ´tle       list environment, enumerate     (ni)
     ´tli       list environment, itemize       (ni)
     ´tll       list environment, list          (ni)
     ´tlit      list environment, item          (ni)
     ´tlil      list environment, item+labels   (ni)
     ´tf        font style                      (niv)
     ´tfs       font size                       (niv)
     ´tq        quotes                          (niv)
     ´tsp       spacing                         (ni)
     ´ta        line alignment + spacing        (niv)
     ´ttc       textcomp characters             (ni)
     ´tbi       bibitem                         (ni)
     ´tci       cite                            (ni)
     ´tfo       footnote                        (ni)
     ´tin       index                           (ni)
     ´tla       label                           (ni)
     ´tma       marginpar                       (ni)
     ´tco       newcommand                      (ni)
     ´tnc       nocite                          (ni)
     ´tpa       pageref                         (ni)
     ´tre       ref                             (ni)
     ´tur       url                             (niv)
     ´nr       read code snippet                (ni)
     ´nv       view code snippet                (ni)
     ´nw       write code snippet               (niv)
     ´ne       edit code snippet                (ni)
     ´ntg      edit global templates            (ni)
     ´ntl      edit local templates             (ni)
     ´ntc      edit custom templates            (ni)
     ´ntp      edit personal templates          (ni)
     ´ntr      reread templates                 (ni)
     ´ntw      template setup wizard            (ni)
     ´nts      choose style                     (ni)
     ´msp      spaces                           (ni)
     ´mac      accents                          (ni)
     ´mfs      font styles                      (ni)
     ´md       delimiter                        (ni)
     ´mf       functions                        (ni)
     ´mgl      lowercase  greek                 (ni)
     ´mgu      uppercase greek                  (ni)
     ´mo       operators                        (ni)
     ´mr       relations                        (ni)
     ´mar      arrows                           (ni)
     ´me       equation+label                   (niv)
     ´mea      eqnarray+label                   (niv)
     ´mm       matrix                           (ni)
     ´mch      choose                           (niv)
     ´mddt     ddot                             (niv)
     ´mdt      dot                              (niv)
     ´mfr      frac                             (niv)
     ´mnr      nth root                         (niv)
     ´mpr      prod                             (niv)
     ´msq      sqrt                             (niv)
     ´msu      sum                              (niv)
     ´mve      vec                              (niv)
     ´mon      operatorname                     (niv)
     ´wll       lstlisting                      (niv)
     ´wlil      lstinputlisting                 (ni)
     ´nls       lstset                          (ni)
     ´wtt       table                           (niv)
     ´wttf      table, floating                 (niv)
     ´wtg       tabbing                         (ni)
     ´wtr       tabular                         (ni)
     ´wf        figure                          (ni)
     ´wff       floatingfigure                  (ni)
     ´wwf       wrapfigure                      (ni)
     ´wbf       fbox                            (niv)
     ´wbfr      framebox                        (niv)
     ´wbm       mbox                            (niv)
     ´wbmb      makebox                         (niv)
     ´wmp       minipage                        (niv)
     ´wbp       parbox                          (niv)
     ´rr        save + run typesetter           (ni)
     ´rla       save + run lacheck              (ni)
     ´rdvi      view DVI                        (ni)
     ´rpdf      view PDF                        (ni)
     ´rps       view PS                         (ni)
     ´rmi       run makeindex                   (ni)
     ´rbi       run bibtex                      (ni)
     ´rc        run a converter                 (ni)
     ´rse       show plugin settings            (ni)

  Tool Box
     ´rm        run make                        (ni)
     ´rmc       run make clean                  (ni)
     ´rma       command line arguments for make (ni)
     ´rcm       choose make file                (ni)

3.  FUNCTION KEYS                                 latexsupport-function-keys

The following function keys are defined in normal, visual and insert mode:

    Ctrl-F9   run typesetter (see )
     Alt-F9   run viewer     (see )

4.  CUSTOMIZATION                                 latexsupport-customization

4.1  FILES                                         latexsupport-custom-files                         The starting point.

autoload/mmtemplates/core         The template system plug-in.

doc/latexsupport.txt              The latex-support help file for the local help.
doc/templatesupport.txt           The template system help file for the local help.

plugin/latex-support.vim          The LaTeX plug-in for Vim/gVim.

latex-support/codesnippets/       The code snippets directory.

latex-support/templates/*         The template files.

latex-support/wordlists/latex-keywords.list  A file used as dictionary for
                                  automatic word completion.  This file is referenced
                                  in the file customization.vimrc.

---------------   -------------------------------------------------------------
---------------   The following files and extensions are for convenience only.
                  latex-support.vim will work without them.

latex-support/rc/vim.tex                Additional filetype plug-in.
latex-support/rc/customization.ctags    Additional settings I use in ~.ctags.
latex-support/rc/customization.gvimrc   Additional settings I use in ~.gvimrc.
latex-support/rc/customization.vimrc    Additional settings I use in ~.vimrc:
                                        incremental search, tabstop, hot keys, font,
                                        use of dictionaries, ... The file is commented.
                                        Append it to your .vimrc if you like.
latex-support/doc/latex-hotkeys.pdf     Reference card for the key mappings.
                                        The mappings can also be used with the non-GUI Vim,
                                        where the menus are not available.
latex-support/doc/ChangeLog             The change log.

4.2  GLOBAL VARIABLES                          latexsupport-custom-variables

Several global variables are checked after the plug-in has been loaded to customize it:

 global variable                default value

 -- Linux/Unix ---------------------------------------------------------------
 g:Latex_Latex       'latex    -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode'
 g:Latex_Tex         'tex      -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode'
 g:Latex_Pdflatex    'pdflatex -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode'
 g:Latex_Pdftex      'pdftex   -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode'
 g:Latex_Bibtex      "bibtex"

 g:Latex_DviViewer   "xdvi"
 g:Latex_PsViewer    "gv"
 g:Latex_PdfViewer   "acroread"

 g:Latex_DviPdf      'dvipdft'
 g:Latex_DviPng      'dvipng'
 g:Latex_DviPs       'dvips'
 g:Latex_PdfPng      'convert'
 g:Latex_PsPdf       'ps2pdf'

 g:Latex_CustomTemplateFile     $HOME.'/.vim/templates/latex.templates'
 g:Latex_GlobalTemplateFile     $VIMRUNTIME.'/latex-support/templates/Templates'
 g:Latex_LocalTemplateFile      $HOME.'/.vim/latex-support/templates/Templates'

 -- MS Windows ---------------------------------------------------------------
 g:Latex_Latex       'latex.exe    -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode'
 g:Latex_Tex         'tex.exe      -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode'
 g:Latex_Pdflatex    'pdflatex.exe -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode'
 g:Latex_Bibtex      'bibtex.exe'

 g:Latex_Pdftex      'pdftex.exe   -src-specials -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode'
 g:Latex_DviViewer   'dviout.exe'
 g:Latex_PsViewer    ''
 g:Latex_PdfViewer   ''

 g:Latex_DviPdf      'dvipdfm.exe'
 g:Latex_DviPng      'dvipng.exe'
 g:Latex_DviPs       'dvips.exe'
 g:Latex_PdfPng      ''
 g:Latex_PsPdf       'ps2pdf.exe'

 g:Latex_CustomTemplateFile     $HOME.'/vimfiles/templates/latex.templates'
 g:Latex_GlobalTemplateFile     $VIMRUNTIME.'/latex-support/templates/Templates'
 g:Latex_LocalTemplateFile      $HOME.'/vimfiles/latex-support/templates/Templates'

 -- all ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 g:Latex_CodeSnippets           root_dir.'latex-support/codesnippets/'
 g:Latex_CreateMenusDelayed     'yes'
 g:Latex_Dictionary_File        ''
 g:Latex_GuiSnippetBrowser      'gui'
 g:Latex_InsertFileProlog       'yes'
 g:Latex_LineEndCommColDefault  49
 g:Latex_LoadMenus              'yes'
 g:Latex_MapLeader              '´'
 g:Latex_Printheader            "%<%f%h%m%<  %=%{strftime('%x %X')}     Page %N"
 g:Latex_RootMenu               'LaTe&X'
 g:Latex_TexFlavor              'latex'
 g:Latex_Typesetter             'pdflatex'

The variable root_dir will automatically be set to one of the following values:
  $HOME.'/.vim/'        for Linux/Unix
  $VIM.'/vimfiles/'     for MS-Windows


The command line used to call the LaTeX typesetter.

The command line used to call the TeX typesetter.

The command line used to call the pdfLaTeX typesetter.

The command line used to call the pdfTeXtypesetter.

The command line used to call bibtex.

The command line used to call a DVi viewer.

The command line used to call a PS viewer.

The command line used to call a PDF viewer.

The command line used to call a DVI to PDF converter.

The command line used to call a DVI to Png converter.

The command line used to call a DVI to PS converter.

The command line used to call a PDF to Png converter.

The command line used to call a PS to PDF converter.

The name of the (non-standard) code snippet directory (see below).

Delaying the initialization until the first TeX/LaTeX file is opened.

Sets the custom template file, path+name, used to overwrite stock templates

Path and filename of the LaTeX word list used for dictionary completion.

Sets the global template file, path+name  (see|latexsupport-templates|).

Code snippet browser: 'gui', 'commandline'.

Insert file description comment in a new file ('yes', 'no').

Default starting column for line-end comments.

Load menus and mappings ("yes", "no") at startup.

Sets the local template file, path+name  (see|latexsupport-templates|).

Map leader for hotkeys (|latexsupport-mappings|).

The mapleader can also be used in the ftplugin, by calling the functions
Latex_SetMapLeader() and Latex_ResetMapLeader() . The maps created between
the two calls will use |g:Latex_MapLeader| as the |<LocalLeader>|:

  call Latex_SetMapLeader ()

  map  <buffer>  <LocalLeader>eg  :echo "Example Map :)"<CR>

  call Latex_ResetMapLeader ()

Hardcopy header format.

The name of the plug-in root menu.

The filetype when starting with an empty file ('latex', 'plaintex')

The typesetter used by the run command ('rr', Ctrl-F9, or menu item):
'pdflatex', 'pdftex', 'latex', or 'tex'.

4.3  THE ROOT MENU                                  latexsupport-custom-root

The root menu is not visible by default.  The root menu 'LaTeX' will appear
after the first file with extension 'tex' has been opened.
When the root menu is visible all templates have been loaded and the internal
data structures are built.  On a slow computer this may cause a noticeable
delay when starting the editor.  Therefor loading the templates is delayed to
the point where the first TeX/LaTeX file will be loaded.
To load the menu anyway when the editor starts add the following line to
~/.vimrc :

  let g:Latex_CreateMenusDelayed = 'no'

The variable g:Latex_RootMenu, if set in .vimrc or in .gvimrc, gives the name of
the single gVim root menu item in which the LaTeX submenus are contained. The
default is


If you want to set the plug-in root menu as a submenu into another menu, e.g.
your own with the name 'Plugin', this is done by the following line in

  let g:Latex_RootMenu = '&Plugin.LaTe&X'

The appearance of the root menu item can also be controlled by the global
variable g:Latex_LoadMenus. The line

  let g:Latex_LoadMenus    = 'no'

prevents the root menu item from appearing when the editor starts. You can
switch it on (and off again) from the tools menu. The default for this
variable is 'yes'.

4.4  System-wide installation                       latexsupport-system-wide

A system-wide installation (one installation for all users) is done as

As *** SUPERUSER *** :

(1) Find the Vim installation directory.
The Vim ex command ':echo $VIM' gives '/usr/local/share/vim' or something like
that. Beyond this directory you will find the Vim installation,  e.g. in
'/usr/local/share/vim/vim73' if Vim version 7.3 has been installed (Windows:
'C:\Program Files\Vim').

(2) Create a new subdirectory 'vimfiles', e.g. '/usr/local/share/vim/vimfiles'
(Windows: 'C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles').

(3) Install LaTeX Support
Copy the archive to this new directory and unpack it:


(4) Generate the help tags:

  :helptags $VIM/vimfiles/doc

SPECIAL CASES. Some Linux distributions use non-standard names for Vim
directories. SUSE has a directory '/usr/share/vim/site' to put plug-ins in.
These directories will not be found automatically.  After installing the
plug-in below '/usr/share/vim/site' the use of the templates will be enabled by
the following line in '~/.vimrc':

  let g:Latex_GlobalTemplateFile = '/usr/share/vim/site/latex-support/templates/Templates'

As *** USER *** :

Use the template setup wizard:
  LaTeX -> Snippets -> template setup wizard
to create a personalization file and/or a custom template file.

The personalization file will be read by all plug-ins supporting this feature,
and should contain only information relevant for all template libraries. You
can set some macros in this file with your personal information in order to
obtain personalized comments, e.g. something like this:

 SetMacro( 'AUTHOR',      'Dr. Fritz Mehner' )
 SetMacro( 'AUTHORREF',   'fgm' )
 SetMacro( 'EMAIL',       '' )
 SetMacro( 'COPYRIGHT',   'Copyright (c) |YEAR|, |AUTHOR|' )

Use the custom template file for LaTeX templates which override the global
templates or to add new ones.

The old system (before version 1.2), using a "local" template file,
is still supported for backwards compatibility.

Create your private snippet directory:
  mkdir --parents  ~/.vim/latex-support/codesnippets
You may want to copy the snippets comming with this plug-in (in
$VIM/vimfiles/latex-support/codesnippets) into the new directory or to set a
link to the global directory.

5.  TEMPLATE FILES AND TAGS                           latexsupport-templates

Nearly all menu items insert code snippets or comments. All of these are
contained within template files and can be changed by the user to meet their
requirements. The menu shortcuts (e.g. 'c' for the Comments menu) and the
menu item hotkeys (e.g. '´ct' insert date and time) are also defined in the
The template engine comes as a separate plug-in contributed by Wolfgang Mehner.
This section is a short introduction to this template system. Please see
|templatesupport| for more information.

The master template file is '$HOME/.vim/latex-support/templates/Templates' for
a user installation and  '$VIM/vimfiles/latex-support/templates/Templates' for
a system-wide installation (see |latexsupport-system-wide|).

The master template file can be edited itself to adapt the templates/menus to
the users need.  Alternatively, a custom template file can be added (see
|g:Latex_CustomTemplateFile|), which eliminates the need to edit stock
templates. The personalization (name, email, ..., date and time format) can be
done in a special personalization template file. It will be read by all
plug-ins which support this feature, so it should only contain basic
information not pertaining to a specific programming language. It can be set
up using a wizard, which is run by the map \ntw or the menu entry:
  LaTeX -> Snippets -> template setup wizard

Further template files can be added using the call:
  call mmtemplates#config#Add ( 'latex', '<PATH>/some.templates', 'example', 'nte' )
The first parameter adds the file to your LaTeX templates, the second is the
path. The remaining two optional parameters specify the symbolic name for
these templates and the map to edit them. The map is '\nte' in this example,
if the standard mapleader is set.

5.1  TEMPLATE FILES                             latexsupport-templates-files

The master template file starts with various settings followed by templates
for single menu items or better by including other template files grouping the
templates according to the menu structure of this plug-in. The master file
usually looks like this:


 § ==========================================================
 §  Settings
 § ==========================================================

 SetMacro( 'AUTHOR',       'YOUR NAME' )
 SetMacro( 'AUTHORREF',    '' )
 SetMacro( 'EMAIL',        '' )
 SetMacro( 'ORGANIZATION', '' )
 SetMacro( 'COMPANY',      '' )
 SetMacro( 'COPYRIGHT',    'Copyright (c) |YEAR|, |AUTHOR|' )
 SetMacro( 'LICENSE',      'GNU General Public License' )

 § =============================================================
 §  File Includes
 § =============================================================

 MenuShortcut( 'Comments', 'c' )
 MenuShortcut( 'Text',     't' )
 MenuShortcut( 'Math',     'm' )
 MenuShortcut( 'Document', 'd' )
 MenuShortcut( 'BibTeX',   'b' )
 MenuShortcut( 'Wizard',   'w' )
 MenuShortcut( 'Help',     'h' )

 IncludeFile( 'comments.templates' )
 IncludeFile( 'text.templates' )
 IncludeFile( 'math.templates' )
 IncludeFile( 'document.templates' )
 IncludeFile( 'bibtex.templates' )
 IncludeFile( 'wizard.templates' )

Lines starting with a section sign (§) are comments. The section starting with

  SetMacro( 'AUTHOR',       'YOUR NAME' )

assigns values to predefined tags (macros). Arbitrary user-defined macros are
possible. The macro name must follows the rules for a C language identifier:
first character letter or underscore; case matters; digits are allowed
beginning with the second character.
Some of the macros assigned here are placeholders, they will be overwritten by
template files read later on, which contain the user's configuration.

The statement

  IncludeFile( 'comments.templates' )

includes the templates from the file 'comments.templates' (in the same
directory). An absolute path would also be possible. The statement

  MenuShortcut( 'Comments',      'c' )

sets 'c' as the shortcut for the Comments menu.

5.2  MACROS                                    latexsupport-templates-macros

The following macro names are predefined. The first group is used to
personalize templates.

 |BASENAME|        filename without path and suffix
 |DATE|            the preferred date representation for the current locale
                    without the time
 |FILENAME|        filename without path
 |PATH|            path without filename
 |SUFFIX|          filename suffix
 |TIME|            the preferred time representation for the current locale
                    without the date and the time zone or name or abbreviation
 |YEAR|            the year as a decimal number including the century

 <CURSOR>           The cursor position after insertion of a template.
 <+text+>,<-text->  See |latexsupport-templates-jumptags|.

 <SPLIT>            The split point when inserting in visual mode

A dependent template file can start with its own command section. There is no
need to have all user defined macros in the master file.

5.2.1  Formating Date and Time                   latexsupport-templates-date

The format for |DATE| ,|TIME| , and|YEAR| can be set by the user. The
defaults are:

  |DATE|        '%x'
  |TIME|        '%X'
  |YEAR|        '%Y'

See the manual page of the C function strftime() for the format.  The accepted
format depends on your system, thus this is not portable!  The maximum length
of the result is 80 characters.

User defined formats can be set using the following function calls in the
master template file is '$HOME/.vim/latex-support/templates/Templates',  e.g.

  SetFormat( 'DATE', '%D'      )
  SetFormat( 'TIME', '%H:%M'   )
  SetFormat( 'YEAR', 'year %Y' )

5.3  TEMPLATES                                  latexsupport-templates-names

5.3.1  Template definition                 latexsupport-templates-definition

The template behind a menu item is identified by a given name. The first part
of the name identifies the menu name, the second part identifies the item.
A template definition starts with a template header with the following syntax:

  == menu_name.template_name == options ==

The options are described here: |template-support-options|.

5.3.2  The jump tags <+text+> etc.           latexsupport-templates-jumptags

There are four jump tag types which can be used as jump targets in templates:

 <+text+>   Can be jumped to by hitting Ctrl-j.
 {+text+}   Same as <+text+>. Used in cases where indentation gives unwanted
            results with the first one.

 <-text->   Same as the two above. Will be removed if the template is used
 {-text-}   in visual mode.

 [+text+]   The "optional" tag. Serves as a jump tag, but can be deleted using
 [-text-]   Same as above, removed in visual mode.

The text inside the brackets is userdefined and can be empty. The text can be
composed from letters (uppercase and lowercase), digits, and underscores.
After the insertion of an template these jump targets will be highlighted.

5.3.3  Command Ctrl-j                                    latexsupport-Ctrl-j

Use the command Ctrl-j to jump to the next target. The target will be removed
and the mode will switched to insertion. Ctrl-j works in normal and in insert
mode.  The template for an if-else-statement can be written as follows:

  == Statements.if, else == map:sie, sc:i ==
  if <CURSOR>

The cursor will be set as shown. When the condition is specified a Ctrl-j let
you jump to the target <-IF PART-> and deletes it.  When the block is written
a Ctrl-j leads you to the else-part.  The target <+ELSE_PART+> disappears and
you can type on.

6.  LATEX DICTIONARY                                 latexsupport-dictionary

The file  latex-keywords.list  contains words used as dictionary for automatic
word completion.  This feature is enabled by default. The default word list is


If you want to use an additional list MyLatex.List put the following line into
 .vimrc :

 let g:Latex_Dictionary_File = "$HOME/.vim/latex-support/wordlists/latex-keywords.list,".
                           \   "$HOME/any_of_my_directories/MyLatex.List"

The right side is a comma separated list of files. Note the point at the end
of the first line (string concatenation) and the backslash in front of the
second line (continuation line).
You can use Vim's dictionary feature CTRL-X, CTRL-K (and CTRL-P, CTRL-N).

7.  TROUBLESHOOTING                             latexsupport-troubleshooting

* Some menus, such as "LaTeX -> Math -> greek lowercase" are not displayed
  - The character encoding used inside Vim is controlled by the option
    |'encoding'| (the encoding of files can be different, see |'fileencoding'|).
    It can be set by adding this lines to your '$HOME/.vimrc':
      :set encoding=utf-8
    Create one if there is none, or better use customization.vimrc.

8.  RELEASE NOTES                                 latexsupport-release-notes

See files latex-support/ and doc/ChangeLog.


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